Center for Ministry Formation

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National Human Trafficking Awareness Day


“Nothing happens just because we are aware, but nothing will ever happen until we are aware.”
–Gary Haugen


Liberating God,

Break our hearts today, for the forty-plus million trapped in slavery across the world. Break our hearts for the women and men and children being forced into sex work and labor servitude, living in conditions worse than our nightmares. Break our hearts with awareness, but do not stop there. Do not let us stop there. Beyond awareness, move us with a passion for justice and a longing to see freedom come for all. Keep us from insulating ourselves, as if contemporary slavery were something far and remote only. While we may not all be engaged in liberation, make us all more vigilant to guard our communities, watching for signs of enslavement in our daily interactions and, if necessary, to defend and protect all those in need. Amen.

Call to Action

What do I know about human trafficking in my country? Discover something new about contemporary slavery and commit to supporting the work of liberation in some tangible way.