Center for Ministry Formation

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Memorial of Saint Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church

Memorial of Saint Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church


“No one comes suddenly to the summit; but must make a beginning of a good life in the smallest matters, so as to accomplish great things.” ~ Saint Gregory the Great


Eternal and ever-living God,

Keep us constant in love, persistent in faith, and steadfast in hope. Help us resist the temptation to be overwhelmed by the problems of the world. Fill our hearts with the courage to do small things well and the confidence to recognize that goodness in small matters contributes to transformation in large matters. Inspire us, through the gift of your Holy Spirit, to not worry about reaching the summit but continuing to move towards it each day. We make this prayer in the name of the Lord who is with us always. Amen.

Call to Action

Take time today to reflect on what the summit is in my life. How do I expect to reach the summit? What small steps can I take to help me on my journey to that summit?