Center for Ministry Formation

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Memorial of Saints Cornelius, Pope and Saint Cyprian, Bishop, Martyrs

Memorial of Saints Cornelius, Pope and Saint Cyprian, Bishop, Martyrs


“We are philosophers, not in words but in deeds; we know virtues by their practice rather than through boasting of them; we do not speak great things but we live them.”
~ Saint Cyprian


Eternal God,

Sometimes it can be a struggle to translate good intentions into acts of service and compassion. Inspire us by the example of Saints Cornelius and Cyprian that the thoughts we think and the words we say will find expression in the deeds we do. May their example be a light to our feet, that we might stay faithful to the path you call us to follow. In faith and hope, we pray. Amen.

Call to Action

What action can I take, or what one commitment can I make today, to more fully embody the values I cherish in the concrete acts I perform?