Center for Ministry Formation

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“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.”
~ Desmond Tutu


Lord of justice,

Too often our society encourages us to focus on the negative, to focus our energy on the darkness in our world. And yet, we know that there is tremendous light all around us piercing that darkness. Whether it is the sacrifice and care of front-line healthcare workers, other essential personnel, caring neighbors, first responders, and compassionate strangers, we encounter a world different than the bleak picture often presented to us. Fill our hearts with hope grounded in the trustworthiness of your promise and presence. May your presence and love open our eyes to see your light around us and give us the courage to be your light for others. We pray in God’s name. Amen.

Call to Action

What one action can I take, or one commitment can I make, that can help me to be a person of light for the people I encounter today?