“This day will be a remembrance for you, which your future generations will celebrate with pilgrimage to the Lord; you will celebrate it as a statute forever.” ~ Exodus 12:14
G-d of liberation,
This evening, our Jewish sisters and brothers begin their celebration of the feast of Passover. May their celebration of this feast so rich in symbol, history, and meaning, inspire in our hearts a love of liberty and a dedication to promoting and defending the dignity of all. Give us the courage to respond in faith to your call to care for all people enslaved by poverty, illness, addiction, trafficking, depression, and contemporary slavery in all its forms. May the good news of your liberating love, embodied and memorialized in this sacred feast, touch our hearts and move us to create a world of justice and freedom. In the name of the G-d who is our source of freedom and life, we pray. Amen.
Call to Action
As Passover begins, take time today to reflect on what enslaves me and how I might respond more resolutely to God’s invitation to freedom, for me and for all.