Center for Ministry Formation

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“That’s the big question, the one the world throws at you every morning. ‘Here you are, alive. Would you like to make a comment?’” —Mary Oliver


Living God,

Tomorrow marks the beginning of a brand new year. It’s also the beginning of just another day. And by “just another day,” we don’t mean that casually, for every new day is a new beginning! Every new day is yet another undeserved invitation from you, to make the most of a life you’ve put in our hands—to enjoy, develop, and extend in love and gratitude with our families, friends, and neighbors. Give us the wherewithal tomorrow to keep our perspectives in check. May we rise in the wonder that ought to be present with every new sunrise. Because today is “today,” let us be glad and say thanks, simply for waking again with air in our lungs. Amen!

Call to Action

Take a moment tonight to express gratitude for this day. Make a commitment to practice simplicity and be thankful for the new day that approaches.