Center for Ministry Formation

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“And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”
–Luke 11:9


Generous and gracious God,

What joy! What promise! What a sweet invitation! To awaken this day inspired to believe in your goodness and that you delight to give good gifts to your children. Renew our sense of expectation. Heal us of despair, doubt, and discouragement—anything that would rob us of the simple confidence instilled by your words. Grace us instead to continue believing, that our asking is not in vain, our seeking will not disappoint, and our knocking will not leave us stranded outside in the cold. Thank you for availing us of your generosity, guidance, and hospitality. Amen.

Call to Action

Pause to consider: is there anything I’ve stopped asking for? stopped seeking? doors I no longer believe will open? Ask for the strength to try again.