Center for Ministry Formation

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“There’s all the difference in the world between having something to say, and having to say something.” –John Dewey


God of Wisdom,

We blabber too much! We rant and we rave in a cacophony of monologues. Social media, 24-hr news channels, endless transmissions of bits and bytes without context. What does it all come to? Let our words be few. You are God and we are not. Despite our temptations to “have to say something,” help us relearn the wisdom of silence. And if we must speak—if we truly “have something to say”—give us patience at least just to think before we open our mouths. Inspire us, so that we might use words in the ways that you use them—to create a meaningful world, to build trusting relationships, and to express love above all. Amen.

Call to Action

At some point today, I will no doubt feel like it is my turn to say something in some sort of gathering or in some sort of context. But if I truly have nothing of substance to add, let me be humble, learning to listen more than be heard.