Inauguration Day
“In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger…The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it – and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.”
~ John F. Kennedy Inaugural Address
God of freedom, as our nation celebrates the inauguration of President Biden and Vice President Harris, we give thanks for the many blessings enjoyed by our country throughout its long history. We also know there is still much work to be done. Guide our thoughts and actions that we might resolve to rise above the divisions and hostility to embrace the promise of our nation, to reject the false narratives that lead us to demonize each other, and instead commit ourselves to advance the blessings of liberty and justice for all. We ask you to bless our new president and vice-president, inspire us to dedicate ourselves to the work before us, and grant us the will to work together to realize our nation’s promise as a beacon of justice, truth, and freedom. Amen.
Call to Action
What one action can I take or one commitment can I make today that will help in some way, no matter how small, to help our nation realize more powerfully its noble ideals?