Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” ~ Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr.
Gracious God, we live in times of deep division, mistrust, and violence. Bless in a special way our celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Open our hearts and minds to your truth and renew our commitment to justice and peace, pursued through cooperation and love. Fill us with your Holy Spirit, that we might realize and accept that we are all members of the same human family, created in your image and likeness. May the example of Dr. King inspire us to see in one another sisters and brothers with a common origin and destiny, guided by the conviction that together we can nobly fulfill the promise of our nation. We pray in the name of the God who is our creator and who calls us to create communities of justice, freedom, and peace. Amen.
Call to Action
What one action can I take or one commitment can I make today that will advance Dr. King’s dream of a free, just, and equal society?