Center for Ministry Formation

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Caring for Others Through Waiting

Waiting can be so frustrating. It is estimated we spend two years of our lives waiting: waiting for the doctor, waiting for a bus, waiting for our children, waiting in line to get a meal, waiting on hold despite the joy of knowing our call is important. Too often we view waiting as wasted time. But we know we wait for the bus to arrive because other people at prior stops need to get where they are going. The activities our children participate in are important for their social, emotional, and spiritual development. Other people need to eat just as other people have needs that must also be addressed and so we wait on hold for our turn. Waiting well is not simply an experience inconvenient to us but a recognition of the value and dignity of others. The following activities help us to become more aware of the power of waiting, and how our ability to wait well can affirm the dignity and value of others.

·       Henri Nouwen shares a short reflection, Waiting with Patience, teaching us how waiting is an action verb. 

·       In the video Wait for the Lord, Sara Hargreaves, inspired by the bluebells in her garden, speaks about the importance of waiting for God.

·       Pastor Tony Evans talks in this short reflection on how to Wait Well, to see how God will work in your life.

A Prayer of Waiting with each other.